
GETCO2 International Women’s Day Series: Prof Zaiping Guo

Our International Women’s Day 2024 Series celebrates GETCO2’s trailblazer women in Science. Meet these talented and hard-working women and be inspired by their advice for others hoping to excel in their careers.

Zaiping Guo

Zaiping Guo

  • Professor Zaiping Guo is an Australian Laureate Fellow at School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide. She is also an Associate Editor for Chemical Science, a flagship journal of the RSC. She was elected to the Fellow of Australian Academy of Science and Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in 2023. Her research focuses on the design and application of electrode materials and electrolyte for energy storage and conversion, including rechargeable batteries, hydrogen storage, and fuel cells. Her research achievements have been recognized through numerous awards, including an ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship in 2010, an ARC Future Professorial Fellowship in 2015, an ARC Laureate Fellowship (2021), and the Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher Award in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. She was also awarded 2020 NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science & Engineering for Excellence in Engineering or Information and Communications Technology.


What are you most proud of in your career?

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my career has been mentoring and inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers in the field of energy storage. Seeing my students and mentees thrive and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of battery technology brings me immense pride and satisfaction

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my job is the opportunity to explore and innovate in the field of energy storage and conversion. Every day presents new challenges and opportunities to push the boundaries of what’s possible in energy storage and conversion, and that constant sense of discovery is incredibly rewarding.

What is your advice for other women to excel in their careers?

My advice to other women is to embrace their unique strengths and perspectives. Diversity of thought and experience is invaluable in any field, and women bring a valuable perspective to the table. Be confident in your abilities and don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and embrace challenges. Growth often comes from stepping outside your comfort zone and taking on new and unfamiliar tasks. Be open to new opportunities and don’t let fear of failure hold you back. Also, remember to prioritize self-care. Balancing a successful career with other aspects of your life can be challenging, but it’s essential for overall well-being and success. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is ‘Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress’. How do we invest in women in research and science?

Offer professional development programs, workshops, and training opportunities to help women researchers advance in their careers. Provide access to resources, networks, and opportunities for collaboration. Also, highlighting the contributions of women in research and science can inspire others and promote gender equality.

Back to GETCO2’s IWD profiles.

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